Firefly Airlines Helps Feed & Keep the Homeless Clean

6 APPRIL 2019, SUBANG JAYA – Firefly Airlines together with HANA (Homeless Are Not Alone) Malaysia Welfare Association brought joy to more than 900 homeless people throughout Kuala Lumpur, Penang and Johor Bahru by providing the underprivileged people with free meals, toiletry items, haircuts, medical check-ups and to some, even job placements.

Having turned 12 this year, Firefly Airlines gathered its staff in Kuala Lumpur, Penang and Johor Bahru to join hand in hand with HANA to do their part as it is the indisputable truth that the noblest cause is to help those who are less fortunate and needy. This selfless deed is an essential obligation that one must honour at least once in a life time and will definitely be an eye opener to many. In-line with its brand direction of 2019 “Discovery”, this initiative carries the meaning of discovering the spots and places of the people who are in need and to re-discover the lost love for each other. Deepen by the direction pillars “hear it”, “see it” and “feel it”, we as humans often hear and see these homeless crowds, at times we need to feel them.

900 goodie bags sponsored by Firefly with toothpaste, toothbrush, soap, comb, Firefly’s Karipap and peanuts were distributed personally to the homeless people in Kuala Lumpur, Penang and Johor Bahru. Firefly staff also contributed used items like clothes, shoes and toys that are in good condition which were given away together with the food items during the three-hour mission to feed the hunger.

“We as Malaysians, must have the love and care for each other. To live in a clean and healthy environment is something we all need to encourage and help others to improve living.  Cleanliness cannot and must not be denied to any people for any reason. Cleanliness plays a vital role in keeping our physical and mental health clean, which will eventually make us feel good and improve our personality. Most importantly, keeping our body clean helps prevent illness and infection from bacteria or viruses,” said Philip See, CEO of Firefly Airlines.

See added that this is the first time Firefly has done a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program under the #FYcares pillar that had taken place at 3 different states simultaneously, probably Firefly could be the first airline to do something like this and is very much gratified about it.

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