SIMPLY MALAY! At Bijan Bar & Restaurant Fine Malay Crusine

The fasting month of Ramadan is a wonderful time to rediscover Malay food heritage from traditional yesteryear recipes to modern renditions of classic dishes all at one time.

As per Bijan’s tradition, our new Head Chef Razis and his assistant Chef Ujang have planned some great menu mixed for this holy month. Our theme “Simply Malay” is about showcasing some of our unique, rich and hearty traditional Malay food that warms the soul.

This year, our chefs will be focusing on a variety of carving and grilled items like Lidah Salai (in-house smoked beef tougue), Ikan Kerapu (roasted garoupa in banana leaves), Satay Udang (prawn satay), Satay Sotong (squid satay), Satay Perut (tripes satay), Kaki Kambing (roasted leg of lamb) and many more. Other “all time” old favourites to look forward to are Keropok Lekor, Laksa Negeri, Asam Pedas Daging Tetel, Sup Tulang Rusuk, Salai Lemak Sembilang (smoked catfish), Salai Rimau Menangis (in-house smoked beef striploin), Pasembor to name a few.

A Ramadan that will tempt the palate, fire the imagination, satisfy the most adventurous appetite and cherished moments with family & friends “breaking fast” together.

Details of our SIMPLY MALAY buffet as below:

Available from:                                    9th – 31st May 2019

Time:                                                   Ramadan Buffet from 7 pm – 930 pm.

*A-la-carte menu is available from 9pm onwards.

Menus:                                                3 specially tailored menus with each menu rotating every 3 days during the Ramadan promotion

Price:                                                   RM120++ per person.

*Special early bird promotion at RM110 nett per person. Early bird vouchers can be purchased at Bijan or Tableapp online

reservation in our website or fb. Terms and conditions apply.

Corporate rates:                                  For enquiries, please email to or contact our sales office at 03-2031 6568.

Hari Raya Open House Event:

Host a hassle free open house at Bijan this Hari Raya. We’ve 3 menu options available.

Bijan can accommodate a maximum capacity of 180 pax or larger groups at staggered intervals. Available from:     After first & second day of Hari Raya

Packages:    3 menus available to choose from.

  • Package 1 – RM110++ per pax
  • Package 2 – RM120++ per pax
  • Package 3 – RM130++ per pax

*Corporate rates available for 100 pax and above

Reservations & enquiries:    Bijan – 03-2031 3575 or email to or Corporate office – 03-2031 6568 or email

Operation Hours:   Daily from 4:30 pm until 11pm.

*We will be closed on the first & second day of Hari Raya.

Other Collaborations:

  • Fave Pay    [1] Buy 5 Free 1 Buffet Simply Malay @ RM120++ per person
  • Tableapp online reservation    [1] Buy 5 Free 1 Buffet Simply Malay @ RM120++ per person
  • Maybank Credit Cards         (1) Buy 1 Free 1 Child

Where to find and contact Bijan Bar & Restaurant. 3 Jalan Ceylon, 50200 Kuala Lumpur

Opening Hours: Monday to Sunday from 4.30pm to 11pm Tel: 03-20313575        Fax: 03-20313576

Email: Web:

Should you require any further information, please do contact the undersigned below.

Selena Mak                                                                 Ezah Izzati Othman

(Senior Sales & Marketing Manager)                   (Marketing & Social Media Executive)                              

03 2031 6568                                                            03 2031 6568

016-631 2628                                                            017-515 3439

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