The Malaysian Palm Oil Certification Council (MPOCC) was set up as independent body in December 2015 to develop and operate the MSPO scheme. The implementation of the Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil (MSPO) certification standards began on a voluntary basis in January 2015. From a small organisation with only about 15 employees when it first started operations in 2016, there are now 30 employees working throughout Malaysia including in Sabah and Sarawak.

Malaysia has developed the Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil (MSPO) certification scheme based on domestic laws and regulations and ratified international conventions. MSPO standards also compliment the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDG) 2030 especially on responsible consumption and production, decent work and economic growth, life on land, zero hunger and climate change.

The MSPO Certification Scheme as a national palm oil certification scheme for the Malaysian palm oil industry has been keeping the smallholders’ interest as its priority in its implementation.

Considering the growing concerns in major importing markets for certified sustainable palm oil, the Government in May 2017 had agreed to implement MSPO certification on a mandatory basis with effect from 1 January 2020, with special attention given to smallholders to obtain certification.

The mandatory implementation of MSPO certification demonstrates Malaysia’s commitment towards the production of sustainable Malaysian palm oil. In addition, MSPO certification provides a host of potential benefits, including enhancing productivity, through optimising yields with the application of Good Agriculture Practices (GAP). This translates to higher income and enhancement of the welfare of the smallholders, who account for to 30 per cent of the planted area

As of 31 August 2020, a total of 5,085,339 hectares of oil palm planted areas have been certified under the MSPO Certification Scheme. This accounts for close to 86.19 percent of the 5,900,157 hectares total planted area. This includes 919,031 hectares of oil palm areas planted by both the independent smallholders and organised smallholders. Additionally, 92.48 percent of 418 palm oil mills from a total of 452 nationwide have also been certified under the MSPO Scheme.

In October 2018, MPOCC also launched the Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil Supply Chain Certification Standard (MSPO SCCS). This standard covers the management requirements and traceability of the production throughout the supply chain from the raw materials to processing and manufacturing of palm oil and palm oil-based products. It is designed to deliver confidence and credibility to the customers and end-users that the raw materials originated from sustainability managed oil palm planted areas.

The MSPO Trace was subsequently launched as a continuous IT monitoring platform. Through this system, accountability and traceability throughout the MSPO certified value chain from grower to customer can be enhanced and monitored.

We are also here today to recognise two Malaysian Companies for being amongst the first users of the MSPO logo on-product labels. Today’s event is also a double celebration as we are pleased with the achievement of Kwantas Corporation Berhad and Delima Oils Sdn Bhd. It is a proud moment for us all the MSPO products are now distinguishable from other palm oil products and will be commercially available for consumers soon. We urge other companies to come and join hands with MPOCC towards achieving this, moving forward.

By: Malaysian Palm Oil Certification Council (MPOCC)