Realme @ Sunway Pyramid

REALME EXPERIENCE STORE AT SUNWAY PYRAMID IS NOW BIGGER AND BETTER From image store to a whole new experience store for Malaysians

PETALING JAYA, 19th September 2020 – realme Malaysia today has its grand opening for the new experience store at Sunway Pyramid. Fans and shoppers who visited the store will enjoy a wholesome experience as realme has upgraded its image store to an experience store.

The experience store in Sunway Pyramid will be equipped with the first in-store service point, ready in October to provide comprehensive device servicing for the users. “Today, we have upgraded our image store into a new experience store at Sunway Pyramid to accommodate our realme fans with a comfortable environment while experiencing realme’s smart ecosystem.

We would like to thank our fans as well as our realmedia friends who have supported us throughout the Dare to Leap journey in order to achieve such a milestone and achievement,” said Tiffany Teh, Brand Manager of realme Malaysia.

There are various activities prepared during the grand opening of the store for fans and shoppers to enjoy.


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Realme Store MY @ Sunway Pyramid