With the announcement of Animenia 2024, her most ambitious, vivid, and vibrant musical production to date, renowned award-winning Malaysian composer and producer Sharon Paul is stepping outside of her comfort zone.
This was revealed to esteemed members of the media during a well-attended press conference which was held at the Concourse in Sungei Wang Plaza in Kuala Lumpur, this morning.
With the trust and significant funding by MyCreative Ventures, and the complete support by the Ministry of Communications & Digital, ANIMENIA 2024, is set to be staged at Jio Space in Petaling Jaya on 3rd & 4th February 2024.
Founded by award winning Malaysian composer and producer Sharon Paul, and with technical input from industry heavyweight Jennifer Thompson, the anime-themed orchestral concert and cosplay gathering is expected to be one of the most notable events of 2024.
Among the featured artistes that will grace the stage at ANIMENIA 2024 include Rina Hime, Asmidar, Riko SOG, Ariel Fesol and Nuim Mubarrak. Also to be featured will be professional prop maker and renowned cosplayer Abudora.
Animenia 2024 which focuses on fusing together music and the Cosplay community while celebrating anime from around the world, will feature a 48-piece ensemble consisting of an orchestra, 4 traditional music instruments, choir by Elcoro Ensemble and a backing band, along with the Malaysian artistes. Animenia 2024 with its attractive themes and innovative ideas, will have activities for the whole family, from ages 9 onwards. More than 3,000 anime and music fans are expected to attend the festival over the two-day period.

Animenia 2024 will be spread over 2 days and will also see a variety of activities including an ACG exhibition & bazaar featuring cosplay products and food, various competitions that include costume, cosplay skits, dance, anisong and Mobile Legends, and will end with a tea dance featuring several prominent DJs.
Sharon Paul who is the owner of Musicwerks Studio and Werkit Records will also be Animenia 2024’s musical director. She is a Berklee graduate and has vast experience writing for television, animation, films and songs. Her vision for the company is to create good music, influence and educate the next generation to achieve their aspirations.
Acting as stage and technical producer for Animenia 2024 will be Jennifer Thompson, better known in the industry as “Kak Jen”. She has been in music scene for more than 30 years, and was the General Manager for Persatuan Akademi Industri Music Malaysia (AIM) for 15 years. She also produced “Anugerah Bintang Popular” (the Malaysian “People’s Choice Award”) for 9 years. Using her knowledge and her experience of the music scene, she will be overseeing the entire technical production for the concert.
Conducting the orchestra is MK Ridzuan, a renowned musician in a symphony orchestra, mainly as an oboist. MK Ridzuan ventured into traditional music as a flute, serunai and gendang player. His debut performance as a traditional musician was in Middlesex and Cambridge, in the United Kingdom, performing Mak Yong and Ghazal songs.

Animenia 2024 will be project managed by 10-year film industry veteran Aishah who has been with Primeworks Studios for 9 years. Besides content creation and producing, she has also been involved in the biggest TV station programs including Anugerah Juara Lagu, Anugerah Skrin, Anugerah Bintang Popular and the Lazada Concert. She also coordinated with Royal Protocol Malaysia for the 8th Asean Textiles Symposium, together with the Raja Permaisuri Agung and recently became the Project Manager for the SOG’s Reimaginasi concert.
Also supporting Animenia 2024 with his knowledge and experience will be Abdullah Othman, better known as Abudora. He has been making props not just for cosplay, but various other fields such as event roadshows, corporate branding and films. He also appeared as one of the judges in the iFlix’s 2019 TV show, Cosplay Heroes.
Animenia 2024 will be hosted by renowned Malaysian cosplayer, J-Rock enthusiast and vocalist Hsachiko (read as Sa-Chi-ko).
Tickets for Anime 2024 can be purchased at: ticket2u.com.my