Bank Islam Partners with Yayasan Didik Negara

Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad (Bank Islam) and Yayasan Didik Negara (YDN) exchanged a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to support the MOE’s role in meeting the country’s educational requirements.

Education Minister, YB Fadhlina Sidek witnessed the MoU exchange between Bank Islam  Group Chief Executive Officer, Mohd Muazzam Mohamed and YDN Chief Executive  Officer, Hardian Hadir. 

Bank Islam Group Chief Executive Officer, Mohd Muazzam Mohamed, said, “Aligned with  our efforts to advance prosperity for all, Bank Islam collaborates with KPM through YDN in  channeling contributions and assistance towards the targeted group, including students,  teachers, schools and education institutes, under the ministry to improve education access  and quality.”

The maiden collaboration with YDN enables Bank Islam to actively support Malaysia’s  aspiration to develop its education sector further. 

In addition, the partnership will also allow Bank Islam to pioneer a Cashless Community  Project at ten (10) selected Malaysia Institute of Teacher Education (IPGM) nationwide  beginning this year. 

The Cashless Community Project is part of the Bank’s effort to encourage cashless or QR  Code usage in payment transactions. It is targeted to benefit more than 113,000 IPGM staff  and students. The programme is expected to expand across the remaining 17 IPGM,  ensuring cashless payment is accessible to all.

“The effort aligns with Bank Islam’s role in encouraging and supporting the nation’s  aspirations to create a cashless society,” said Mohd Muazzam. 

At the MoU exchange ceremony, Bank Islam also handed over contributions worth  RM10,000 to 100 orphans around Seremban, Negeri Sembilan.